Day :
Session Introduction
Kamyar Mehran
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Title: Improving the life-cycle of lithium-ion battery packs to support winrenewable fluctuations

Kamyar Mehran is a Lecturer in Power Engineering in Queen Mary University of London, UK. He worked in University of Warwick as a research fellow (2013-2015), Newcastle University and Imperial College London (2010-2013) as a research associate and commercialization Manager for a spin-off company, OptoNeuro Ltd. He received his PhD degree in Newcastle University, UK in 2009. Prior to his academic career, he collected over 8 years of industrial experience in companies like Sun Microsystems (Oracle), and National Iranian Oil Company. His current research interests include nonlinear dynamics, intelligent control/optimization of energy storage systems, high-switching power electronic converters, and home energy management systems.
Predicting and enhancing the life-cycle of Lithium-ion battery packs has been the subject of studies toward the large-scale use of storage systems to store the electrical energy in the time of fluctutation and unpredictable behaviour of wind renewable . Battery pack is a group of cells are placed in a parallel, series or matrix form to provide the required power. Life cycle prediction of a single cell is challenging due to the complexity of electrochemical reactions, thermal vraiablity and the formation of SEI layers. Cell interconnections make the prediction more challenging as the electrical dynamics and thermal characteristics of each cell is different from the others. This introduces random variability where the aging of a single cell propagates and reduce the life of the whole pack. This works investigates the use of accurate electro-chemical modelling and wireless sensor/antenna system in real-time estimation of the critical cell parameters, i.e. state-of-the-charge (SOH), state-of-health (SoH), internal resistance, and temprature variation. The integrated system will significantly supress the aging propagation and enhance the life-time of
P. N. Darde
Jaipur National University, India
Title: Harnessing nonconventional sources to supply energy for far flange areas and challenges

P.N. Dard works at Jaipur National University and studied at Indian Institute of Technology, which is located at New Delhi Area, India.
Sources of energy which are used on large scale are termed as conventional sources of energy where as the energy sources which are used on small scale are called as non- conventional sources of energy. Green energy produced from non conventional sources include Small hydro power, wind power, solar energy, geothermal and energy produced from bio fuel.
Increase in land and air pollution during the conversion of energy sources of fossil fuel such as oil, coal and natural gas have their adverse effects on environment and ecology. Depleting quality of these sources raise the question of sustainability in the long run there by compelled humanity to go in search of the other alternatives. In this context, the non conventional sources of energy have attracted the global attentions and evoked interest among policy makers as a viable option for sustainable development.
Out of 120 crore population of India, 46 % of them leave in rural and far flange areas and survive on Kerosene ,wood for fire and cooking or nonconventional sources of energy as their primary sources .
It is hurting to know that India loses nearly dollars 18 Billion (20) annually in power sector which is sufficient to provide 490 Million free of electricity for a year through micro greed.
As the world moves to cleaner energy sources and water becomes increasingly valuable commodity in many regions, it will influence the choice of energy options.
Electricity production accounts for more than 50 % Global Warming emission with the majority generated by coal fired power plants in the world. Natural gas power plants produce more than 10 % total emission in the world. In contrast to this most renewable energy and nonconventional sources produce very little global warming effects.
In these article efforts has been made to project the overall scenario of non conventional sources of energy and their utility in remote areas where conventional energy cannot reach. The energy produced by small hydro, solar and wind etc can find its place to cater to the needs of people living in rural areas .The
Article also refers the research and innovative measures required to be under taken to supply power to the masses in rural areas and it also high lights the challenges faced to supply energy to far flanged areas.
Francisco Orte Benedit
Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Title: Blockchain technology in the wind energy sector: an overview of potential applications

Francisco Orte Benedit is currently a PhD student of ETSII, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain. He has spent the last 6 years working as a consultant in blockchain technology and its applications. Jose Manuel Mira McWilliams, associate professor at ETSII, completed his PhD in 1995 and has published 19 papers in statistics and quantitative models. Pablo Solana, PhD, is a consultant for renewable energies and has published more than 30 papers in scientific journals.
The development, construction and operation of a wind farm is a complex and long process involving many different agents. Disputes arising from interpretations of contract clauses are usually lengthy and costly. Unprecise definition of boundaries (both physical as well as contractual) is also a source for delays and extra costs. On the other hand, blockchain technology provides the framework under which a set of data can be irrevocably and undisputably arranged in a way that all parties can share it and add elements to the blockchain in a secure way which is validated by the system itself. One of the uses of blockchain is the implementation of smart contracts witch enable the execution of certain clauses without the need of a third party external assessment. Some of the contracts are exceedingly complex to try to reduce them to a set of simple rules, but the development of smart contracts for specific aspects can be of great help to increase the efficiency of a project. In this paper, we analyse the different phases of a wind farm project (from predevelopment works to operation and maintenance) and suggest smart contracts for those elements that can be singled out as suitable for this technology. We find that, at some stages, a formal input from a third party may be needed and suggests ways to automatize this. This hybrid character is not present, however, for the operation of the wind farm, where a sensible choice of sensors may confirm a fully automated system.
Amir J. Majid
Ajman University, UAE
Title: Renewable energy sustainability with micro hydro systems in fujairah

Amir J. Majid is a Ph.D and professor in College of Engineering, Ajman University of Science & technology, UAE
A proposed project on renewable energy sustainability with micro hydro systems is analyzed on different aspects, such as environment, solar and wind regimes, mountainous reservoirs and dams, seawater desalination, as well as economic feasibility. This case study is open for dialogues such as design, investment and project planning. Fujairah city is surrounded by many small mountainous dams used as fresh water storage reservoirs, which are rarely utilized throughout the year. With this study, it would be advantageous to achieve renewable energy sustainability as well as clean power generation.
Liang An
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Title: Carbon-neutral energy conversion technology: direct ethanol fuel cells

Liang An received BEng degree in Thermal and Power Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2008, and PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2012. He is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has authored and co-authored more than 60 journal papers. His research interests include renewable energy conversion and storage technologies, such as fuel cells and flow batteries.
Direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFC), which promise to be a clean and efficient energy production technology, have recently attracted worldwide attention, primarily because ethanol is a carbon-neutral, sustainable fuel and possesses many unique physicochemical properties including high energy density and ease of transportation, storage as well as handling. However, conventional DEFCs that use acid proton exchange membranes (PEM) and precious metal catalysts result in rather low performance. In our research, we used alkaline anion exchange membranes (AEM) as the ion conductor in DEFCs. The change from the acid membrane to an alkaline one led to a significant performance boost: the power density increases from 30 mW cm-2 to 90 mW cm -2 . In addition, we developed a novel hybrid DEFC system, which consists of an alkaline anode and an acid cathode. Our unique design results in a power density of 240 mW cm-2 . To further optimize and improve performance, we developed an integrated model for the fuel cell system. By doing so, the power density of DEFCs now is as high as 360 mW cm-2 . This high performance is attributed not only to the unique design, but also to the use of the integrated model.
Joseph Olawole Petinrin
Port Said University, Egypt
Title: Voltage regulation with energy storage application in distribution feeders with high penetration of PV

J. O. Petinrin received his M.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria in 2007. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Center of Electrical Energy Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia in 2015. His research interests include distributed generation, renewable energy integration, smart grids and voltage control of distribution systems. He is currently a Principal Lecturer at Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria. Engr. Dr. J.O. Petinrin is a Registered Engineer with Council of Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), Member, Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE) and Member, IEEE.
Photovotiaics (PVs) integration to the distribution feeder is on the increase. The variability and uncertainty of the renewable energy (RE), however, can potentially cause a voltage deviation from the permissible limits and disruption of normal operation of voltage/VAr (VVAr) control devices. This paper proposes a platform, in the operation timescale, to maintain voltage regulation and facilitates the smoother integration of renewable energy into the distribution feeder with PV energy sources. With the objective of improving system-wide voltage profile and minimal losses, the operation of VAr control devices and energy storage, is coordinated in the operational timescale. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) based-optimization method is used to consider the optimum settings of the VAr control devices and the dispatch of energy storage. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through a time sequence analysis over a 24-hourly simulation period, applied to the IEEE 123 test feeder. Test results depict clearly that the coordinated operation among the control devices, along with the energy storage, causes reduction in system losses and enhances system capability to maintain voltages within the statutory bounds under various penetration levels of PV energy sources.
Keywords— Energy storage, generic algorithms, load tap changer, renewable energy, smart grid, voltage control.
Vahid Bahrami Foroutan
Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran
Title: Stability and power quality improvement in micro-grids using Local control strategies

Vahid Bahrami Foroutan is a faculty member of department of electrical engineering, Bu-Alisina University, Hamedan.
Using Micro-Grid (MG) concept to enhance penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) has raised some technical challenges including stability and power quality issues. Therefore, such issues has been researched and investigated by many experts in recent years.
Power quality considerations are the most challenging tasks in MGs so that designing control strategy without power quality considerations can lead to instability of MG. Thus, stability and power quality are two relevant issues regarding the selection of control strategy in an MG.
For this reason, this paper presents a review of control strategies and also investigates the effect of new approach on power quality and stability of MGs.
A new problem formulation is developed by employing a multi-objective function approach where the objectives include the fuel consumption cost, voltage stability index and the total voltage variation of MG. A hybrid optimization algorithm is proposed to solve the proposed problem by combing the HS and the GA. A new load flow formulation is derived to run the proposed optimization algorithm where the steady state frequency of system, reference frequency, reference voltage and droop coefficients of DGs, based on a droop controller, are considered as optimization variables. To find the best solution of non-dominated results, a fuzzy method is employed.
Imen Bel Mabrouk
National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rouen, France
Title: E-BABE-Analysis on the aerodynamic performance of vertical axis wind turbine subjected to the change of the tip speed ratio

Imen Bel Mabrouk, Abdelkhalak El Hami, Lassâad Walha, Bacem Zghal, Mohamed Haddar, Dynamic vibrations in wind energy systems: Application to vertical axis wind turbine , Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 85 (2017) 396–414.
Flow over Darrieus type straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine with NACA0021 is analyzed using ANSYS Fluent software. k-ω shear stress transport turbulence model is used for the two dimensional, unsteady simulations. Wind speed is taken as 9 m/s and the rotation of blades is modeled using the sliding mesh technique.
The two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model is validated with experimental results. The optimum tip speed ratio is achieved, giving the best overall performance.
The effect of the tip speed ratio on the aerodynamic performance of the studied wind turbine in non stationary regime is discussed. Contours plot of the three-bladed Darrieus rotor are also presented and analyzed.
The present study shows that the tip speed ratio directly affects the aerodynamic efficiency and the torque production of the Darrieus type vertical axis wind turbine .
Pei-Hsun Huang
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
Title: Structure analysis of aerofoil water turbine on diminutive hydraulic system

I have completed my college at the age of 21 years from National Cheng Kung University Department of Resources Engineering and master at the age of 23 years from National Taiwan University Department of Mechanical Engineering. I am a researcher of Industrial Technology Research Institute, Material and Chemical Research Laboratories, a premier material and structure safety service organization. I has published one master papers and attended one conference as poster and two conferences as orator.
The Aerofoil Water Turbine (AWT) is a machine designed by ZHEN XIN TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. The AWT which intent to install on river is able to generate electricity by the motivation of water flow. However, the mechanical strength of the design is not robust enough that the prototype of the structure is not able to withstand the water flow and the machine is prone to break during the test process. Hence, we construct a CFD model in order to simulate the AWT on the river. After some simplification of the geometry, the selection of solution parameters and the setting of boundry condition. We developed several directions for ZHEN XIN TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD to improve the AWT mechanical strength. The CFD model which we constructed include hydraulic analysis, fluid structure interaction (FSI) and structure analysis.
Jin Wei (Kocsis)
University of Akron, USA
Title: An Attack-Resilient Communication Architecture for Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Resources

Jin Wei (Kocsis) is an Assistant Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering at University of Akron and the director of the Cyber-Physical-Social System Design Lab. She received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada, in 2014, her M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, in 2008, and her B.E. degree at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, in 2004. She worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) from April, 2014 to July, 2014. Her research interests include the smart energy systems, cyber-physical systems security and privacy, renewable energy integration, social networks, and cognitive wired/wireless communication networks.
In recent years, the increasing penetration of Renewable Energy Systems (RESs) has made an impact on the operation of the electric power systems. In the grid integration of RESs, data acquisition systems and communications infrastructure are crucial technologies to maintain system economic efficiency and reliability. Since most of these generators are relatively small, dedicated communications investments for every generator are capital cost prohibitive. Combining real-time attack-resilient communications middleware with Internet of Things (IoTs) technologies allows for the use of existing infrastructure. In this talk, I will present our work in developing an intelligent communication middleware that utilizes the Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics to complement the conventional Quality of Service (QoS) evaluation. Furthermore, our middleware employs deep learning techniques to detect and defend against congestion attacks.
Kendrick Aung
Lamar University Department of Mechanical Engineering, USA
Title: Research, opportunities, and challenges in low speed wind turbines

Kendrick Aug has completed his PhD at the age of 25 years from Andhra University and postdoctoral studies from Stanford University School of Medicine. He is the director of XXXX, a premier Bio-Soft service organization. He has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources in the world. Installed wind energy is 74.5 GW at the end of 2015, almost thirty-fold increase from 2000 where the installed wind energy is only 2.5 GW. However, most of these installed wind energy is produced by large scale wind turbines that requires an averaged wind speed of about 12 to 15 5 m/s. That requirement put a limit on the opportunities for using wind energy in many areas and locations around the world. As a result, research studies on the low speed wind turbines that can operate effectively at wind speed of 5 to 6 m/s have become increasingly common. In addition, non-traditional methods of deploying wind turbines, for example, using then by the roadside to generate electricity, have been studied more recently. In this presentation, current state-of-the-art research on the low speed wind turbines will be presented. Based on these research, future opportunities and challenges facing extensive deployment of low speed wind turbines will be explored and discussed.
Session Introduction
Jayakrishnan Radhakrishnan
Manipal Institute of Technology, India
Title: Design of an Airfoil for a Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Utilizing Converted Energy from the Wind Shade Region

Jayakrishnan Radhakrishnan is a Professor in the Aeronautical Engineering Department at the Manipal Institute of Technology, India. Wind energy conversion systems have been his area of focus for the past seven years. He is also the chair of the Betz Wind Energy Research Center at Manipal University, and the key coordinator for an upcoming startup WindME, that focuses on renewable energy systems for the mass population.
Wind power is one of the most prevalent forms of renewable energy, second to only solar energy. The incumbent idea of extracting kinetic energy from surface wind currents, and converting this energy into electric energy is carried out by the combination of gear drives and an electrical generator. Using a suitable power electronic converter, this electricity may then be integrated into the grid directly, or may also function to supply power to a recharging station. This transition, coupled with the augment of global warming, particularly due to the combustion of fossil fuels to provide electricity, has resulted in multiple small scale installations of wind turbines.
Conventional aerodynamic schemes cannot be applied to rotor blades operating under low Reynolds number conditions as compared to those occurring under high Reynolds number conditions since certain unusual aerodynamic phenomena predominate in the case of the former. This paper entails the design as well as experimental validation of a new class of airfoils for small horizontal axis wind turbines that are used in urban environments.
A common misconception with regard to selection of airfoils followed by subsequent design of rotor blades involves the use of NACA airfoils and other conventional high Reynolds number airfoils. The airfoil is designed in such a way so as to extract the energy from the wind shade region, which is practically unheard of in conventional wind rotor aerodynamics. The aerodynamics as well as the environmental impact have also been studied in depth.
Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
Title: Incentives and barriers of green energy adoption among residential consumers

Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska received the M.Sc. degree in management from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland in 2001 and the Ph.D. degree in technical science – electrical power systems, from the same University in 2006. Since 2010 she is an assistant professor at Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Department of Operations Research. Anna has an experience in the energy market and economy. Her last papers are devoted to modeling diffusion and adoption of innovative goods in the energy market (e.g. dynamic electricity tariffs) as well as to social acceptance of these goods by the electricity consumers. She is also interested in distributed generation and its integration with the power system. She is a reviewer for JCR listed journals. She participated in realization of a few national or EU grants.
The development of renewable energy sources (RES) created some new possibilities for the electricity consumers. Consumers may now invest in the renewables and produce electricity and heat for their own needs. They may also sell the electricity surplus to the energy supplier. In such a way they may become prosumers. In some countries, the governments and local institutions offer subsidies to encourage consumers to invest in solar panels, photovoltaic, small wind or hydro generators. Such incentives increase consumers’ interest in this sector of the energy market. Moreover, consumers may also choose the energy supplier who offers green electricity tariffs or allows participation in green energy programs. The prospect seems optimistic, but research survey and pilot programs show a very low engagement and enrollment rates among consumers.
This presentation will focus on consumers’ energy behavior and their willingness to pay for RES. Social and psychological factors, that influence the adoption of RES will be discussed. Consumer engagement and acceptance of green energy are necessary to make the diffusion of these products possible and effective. Hence, following questions will be answered:
· How green energy (in particular: green electricity tariffs and small-scale generators) diffuse among the customers;
· What makes consumers adopt to the RES;
· What obstacles slow the diffusion and what factors may enhance the successful adoption;
· What are the main reasons of the intention-behavior gap among electricity consumers.
In conclusion some behavioral strategies that may help to speed up the diffusion of RES among consumers will be proposed.

Currently a retired senior public officer who had assumed the Green Leader role, an integral component of his portfolio within the Ministry of Health (Malta). He participated as representative of the Ministry in several high profile international and European Conferences and Fairs, presenting a Paper Assuming the Green Leader’s Role at Workplace – A Critical Analysis and acted as a moderator in one of the Sessions at the 2nd European Conference & Fair : Education for Sustainable Development – Hamburg (2006). He is also chapter author of the Book Sustainable Economic Development : Green Economy and Green Growth (Springer, 2016).
Since the earliest direct concern for climate change in the Earth Summit, a UN Conference on Environment & Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro 1992, this high profile world Organisation has been seeing the writing on the wall…alarm bells of factual and potential global eco degradation and have consistently been spearheading initiatives to translate rhetoric and exhaustive debate into solid and effective commitments to redress the environmental deficiency brought about by over exploitation and abuse of the world’s natural resources and disregard of ecosystems, the lifeline of mankind’s own sustainable survival.
CFCs (now phased out under the Montreal Protocol) and Fossil fuels are making way to less polluting and more sustainable energy sources, reducing deleterious emissions. Heavy industry is progressively shifting to economically and viable alternative sustainable sources of energy from benevolent Mother Nature that has blessed us with unrivalled powers inherent in the Sun, Wind, and Oceans.
Nevertheless, challenges still lie in the way of achieving environmental targets, particularly by under-developed and developing countries which have to cope with climate change adaptation and the extraordinary financial capital to diversify and transform their economies to conform with this new exigency. Other challenges could also be overlooked or underestimated, even in implementing action plans involving renewable energy sources.
This Paper looks at and attempts to analyze, from the perspective of an observant, these challenges and also at viable practical measures to address them in efforts aimed at achieving sustainability based on win-win situations, with a particular focus on the local scenario.

Akbar Adibfar is currently Managing Director and member of board of MAPNA Renewable Energies Co. This company is owner and investor in renewable energies and now it have 3 wind farm in Iran and will invest 500 mw in wind farm and 100 mw solar farm, PV type. He is author of two books "Wind Power Plant" and "Water Desalination Plants" an more than 10 international papers. He has over 20 years of experience as an engineer and project management. He is member of R&D workshop in MAPNA Group and he has PMP certificate.
Iran is a rich country in terms of wind energy, however, compared to most countries, little has been done on utilization of renewable energies targeted. Potential energies such as high speed wind tunnels, solar energy, geothermal and valuable biomass sources of energy are at preliminary stages and their share of total power generation is still negligible and does not exceed 0.6%. Whereas, design and construction of wind farms is economically feasible due to reasonable price of equipment and abundance of cheap sources of renewable energy, SWOT analysis is conducted in order to unveil the reasons underlying the slow pace of development of wind farms in Iran. The analysis is intended to draw a roadmap and specify the nation's macro policies.
This SWOT analysis applies in wind farms and reveals the very fact that abundance of inexpensive fossil fuels constitutes one of the most decisive factors why wind farms remain undeveloped in Iran and instead priority is given to the thermal power plants which are both cheaper and more reliable compared to wind power generation. Significant factors considered by private investors and companies in the renewable energy sector, is the economic impediments and governing rules and regulations. In this study, financing procedures and change of law that would facilitate removal of the standing obstacles. The Middle Eastern possess fossil fuel resources but at the same time suffer from shortage of potable water as well as non-development of wind farms. This study in general can be useful and practical in these countries.
Fateh Abdoune
Université de Bejaia, Algérie
Title: Improved control of DFIG-based stand-alone wind turbine under unbalanced and nonlinear load conditions

Fateh Abdoune was born in Bejaia, Algeria, in 1984. He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering in 2008 from the A/Mira University of Bejaia, Bejaia, Algeria, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include control of electrical drives, modeling, wind turbine, and control in ac machines.
The study presents an improved control and operation for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based stand-alone wind energy system. Since there is no grid supply in stand-alone system, the output voltage has to be controlled in the constant amplitude and frequency even under unbalanced and nonlinear load conditions. This type of loads results in unbalance and distorted stator voltage and current with subsequent power quality degradation and electromagnetic torque pulsations of DFIGs. A new control strategy uses proportional-resonant controllers (PRC) is proposed for compensate the unbalance and harmonic distortion in the stator voltage and current of the DFIG. In this strategy, the load-side converter (LSC) is controlled for the purpose of fully reject the low-order harmonic components and the negative sequence of the stator voltage, this is achieved by employing PRC for the closed loop stator voltage regulation built in the stationary reference frame. As a result, symmetrical and sinusoidal AC voltage is applied to the stator terminal, which indicates that the rotor-side converter (RSC) can be still controlled with the traditional vector control strategy, to keep constant DC-link voltage. Simulation results are given and they show that the proposed control scheme can eliminate stator voltage and current harmonic of stand-alone DFIG effectively.
Aminu Bature
Birmingham City University School of Engineering, UK
Title: The implications of risk management on the delivery and investments of wind and other renewable energy project

Aminu Bature and Barbara Vardijan have both completed their MSc from Birmingham City University. Aminu is presently a Research associate at the Centre for Low Carbon Research and Bioenergy Research Group, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Birmingham City University.
This study sets out to explore the implications of risks management on renewable energy project delivery, using wind energy projects as an area of interest. One of the major aims of project management is directed towards managing risks and thus an important concept in the field. Despite the progress in wind energy projects, they are subjected to numerous risks throughout their life-cycle. In this study, an exhaustive literature review was done on works of previous researchers complemented by an empirical quantitative survey using online questionnaires. This paper reports not only the critical analysis of the secondary data found in previous literatures, but also the primary data analysis obtained from the online survey. The study found that there is a need for improvement on how risks are communicated within wind project environment. The majority of those who responded to the survey indicated that risk associated factors such as; weather related (66%), economic (44%) and political risk (44%) present significantly impact to wind energy projects in their organizations. Other factors such as technical (26%), construction (36%) and environmental risk (28%) factors were viewed by the respondents as having moderate relevant to wind energy projects. A minority of the respondents (24%) indicated that operational risk associated factors also have minor association to wind farm projects. This finding supports the observation made by the Economist Intelligence Unit that; weather related risk is more significant for wind power projects than for other renewable energy technologies.

Muhammad Usman, Former Director General of Agricultural Research System, Government of Pakistan who retired from service after a spotless career of about 35 years with senior level experience on research and development of agricultural industry with regard to livestock and dairy development, poultry, aquaculture and apiculture, crop production, horticulture, vegetable, seed production, processing plant, bioenergy, renewable energy.
Mr. Usman is basically an agricultural scientist with specialization of agricultural working as plant breeder with regard to the yield and quality of various agriculture as well as bio-energy. Mr. Usman has also worked on Bio-energy, renewable energy-wind.
Being a scientists, Mr. Usman has released several oil seeds varieties, presented and published research papers on various oil seeds, and renewable energy in different conferences at Geneva.
Mr. Usman established “Prominent Agro Based Industries SDN BHD” in Malaysia aims to work on integrated agricultural project like livestock and dairy development, renewable energy.
The aim of the presentation is to study the cheapest and sustainable way of renewable energy like wind for poverty alleviation in the developing countries of the world-South Asia.
Renewable Energy like wind is the basic need of our life. Look at the universe, no activity is found without the use of energy. You name any action you will find the force of energy behind it. As reported, Renewable Energy like wind, biomass, hydropower and solar are the cheapest source of electricity but the two main problems in the developing nations that is densely population of 5.87 billion amongst the world population of 7.84 billion and concentration on non-renewable energy like fossils, nuclear, coal etc which are very costly and beyond the power of developing nations although a great potential of renewable energy are available. According to World Bank, about 1.4 billon peoples lack electricity in the world and nearly one billion peoples particularly in the developing nations go to bed hungry each night. It means, renewable energy like wind is the main substitute of poverty and stimulates sustainable economic growth, create employment, increase agricultural and industry production as well as decreasing energy crises, which will reduce the poverty in developing nation. As per study, the role of International Energy Agency and International Renewable Energy Agency is very important but sustainability is still a big problem in the production of renewable energy. It is therefore proposed that an independent organization like “International Sustainable Energy Agency (ISEA)” should be established and renewable energy may be commercialized for poverty alleviation on a sustainable way in the developing country of the world-South Asia.
Fulei Chu
Tsinghua University, China
Title: Condition monitoring and fault diagnostics of wind turbines

Professor Fulei Chu received his PhD from Southampton University in UK. He is now a professor of mechanical engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing. He is the Vice President of the Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering (CSVE). He serves as members of the editorial board for many journals, including Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Journal of Vibration Engineering, and others. His research interests include rotating machinery dynamics, machine condition monitoring and fault detection, nonlinear vibration and vibration control. He has published more than 300 papers in peer review journals, including more than 30 papers in the Journal of Sound and Vibration and 25 papers in the journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. He has received many awards in China, including the Outstanding Young Researcher Award from Natural Science Foundation of China.
As one of the typical renewable energy sources, wind energy has experienced an immense growth with respect to both the turbine size and the market share, and led to a rapid development of the wind-power equipments. Owing to the highly volatile rough working conditions in real wind farms due to, e.g., wind gust, dust, corrosion and heavy yet unpredictable load, wind turbines are particularly prone to suffer failure and damage. Such damage can lead to a catastrophic failure of the entire wind turbine, and consequently heavy investment and productivity losses. Therefore, wind turbine condition monitoring and diagnosis become crucial. In this presentation, the development status of the wind energy all over the world, particularly in China, is briefly summarized. The research situations of the existing condition monitoring and fault diagnosis methods for the main failure components of wind turbines are then analyzed, such as gearboxes, bearings and blades. Finally, the problems to be solved and new development trend for wind power equipment monitoring and fault diagnosis are discussed.
- Wind Power Technology and Instrumentation|Green Energy|Wind Farms Construction|Renewable Energy| Sustainable Energy|Next Generation Wind Power|Energy Policies
Session Introduction
Francisco Orte Benedit
Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Title: Plenary Talk on Blockchain technology in the wind energy sector: an overview of potential applications

Francisco Orte Benedit is currently a PhD student of ETSII, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain. He has spent the last 6 years working as a consultant in blockchain technology and its applications. Jose Manuel Mira McWilliams, associate professor at ETSII, completed his PhD in 1995 and has published 19 papers in statistics and quantitative models. Pablo Solana, PhD, is a consultant for renewable energies and has published more than 30 papers in scientific journals.
The development, construction and operation of a wind farm is a complex and long process involving many different agents. Disputes arising from interpretations of contract clauses are usually lengthy and costly. Unprecise definition of boundaries (both physical as well as contractual) is also a source for delays and extra costs. On the other hand, blockchain technology provides the framework under which a set of data can be irrevocably and undisputably arranged in a way that all parties can share it and add elements to the blockchain in a secure way which is validated by the system itself. One of the uses of blockchain is the implementation of smart contracts witch enable the execution of certain clauses without the need of a third party external assessment. Some of the contracts are exceedingly complex to try to reduce them to a set of simple rules, but the development of smart contracts for specific aspects can be of great help to increase the efficiency of a project. In this paper, we analyse the different phases of a wind farm project (from predevelopment works to operation and maintenance) and suggest smart contracts for those elements that can be singled out as suitable for this technology. We find that, at some stages, a formal input from a third party may be needed and suggests ways to automatize this. This hybrid character is not present, however, for the operation of the wind farm, where a sensible choice of sensors may confirm a fully automated system.
Byeong Hee Chang
Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of South Korea
Title: Measurement technique of wind speed and direction with a rotating 3-axis ultrasonic anemometer for installation on wind turbine spinner

Byeong Hee Chang has graduated from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1996 with PhD and worked in Korea Aerospace Reseach Institute (KARI). In KARI, he woked in wind tunnel design, construciton, and wind tunnel tests. Since 2016, he has been interested in this measurement technique with a roll-rotating ultrasonic anemometer for measuring wind speed and direction. In 2017, he did a validaton research with wind tunnel tests.
Generally, wind turbine anemometers are installed on the nacelle behind wind turbine. So, they are in the wind turbine wake flow and the measured wind speed and direction are influenced by the wake and different from the freestream’s. Recently, the ROMO Wind developed a spinner anemometer of 3 single-axis ultrasonic sensors installed on the spinner for measuring undistured wind speed and direction. In this study, it was checked if a 3-axis ultrasonic anemometer could replace the 3 single-axis ultrasonic sensors as a spinner anemometer. The technique is based on the coordinate transform from the rotating sensor axis to the fixed coordinate for measuring wind speed and direction. Its validation tests were done with a roll-rotating test stand in the Korea Aerospace Reseach Institute (KARI) Low Speed Wind Tunnel. Even after the coordinate tranform, small rotating effect still remains in wind speed and direction. But, after one revolution of wind turbine, its mean values were converged to the test values within certain limits. The mean values were not much afftected by RPM (revolutions per minute), but affected by yaw angle and wind speed. The less yaw angle, the errors decrease. Upto 20° yaw angle, the errors of the mean values from the test values were less than double of the sensor own accuracy. At 10° yaw angle, the mean value errors were 2.0% RMS (root mean square) in wind speed and 1.7° in wind direction. But, in high yaw angle such as 60° or above, the mean value errors were drastically increased. So, in real application, if initial yaw angle is too large for this measuring technique, it could be reduced with a conventional nacell anemometer to within 20° and then it could be aligned more preciously with this technique including 3-axis ultrasonic anemometer installed on the spinner. This concept will be applied and checked to some operating wind turbines in real field in near future.
P N Darde
Jaipur National University, India
Title: Harnessing non-conconventional sources to supply energy for far flange areas and challenges

P N Darde has completed his M Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and PhD in Civil Engineering from University of Delhi, India. He is a Member of several professional bodies and has worked in various capacities. He was General Manager, NHPCL, Chief Engineer for Hydro Projects. Before joining the university, he was Director/Principal/Dean at Hindu College of Engineering, Sonipat, India. He was also an Associate Professor, Water Resources Engineering at Arba Minch University, Ethiopia. He has widely travelled and had a few overseas assessments. He has authored several books and has also taught at Delhi College of Engineering for 12 years on hydraulic structures and irrigation engineering. His major expertise is in the planning, design and execution of hydropower plants.
Sources of energy which are used on large scale are termed as conventional sources of energy where as the energy sources which are used on small scale are called as non-conventional sources of energy. Green energy produced from non-conventional sources include small hydro power, wind power, solar energy, geothermal and energy produced from biofuel. Increase in land and air pollution during the conversion of energy sources of fossil fuel such as oil, coal and natural gas have their adverse effects on environment and ecology. Depleting quality of these sources raise the question of sustainability in the long run thereby compelled humanity to go in search of the other alternatives. In this context, the non conventional sources of energy have attracted the global attentions and evoked interest among policy makers as a viable option for sustainable development. Out of 120 crore population of India, 46% of them live in rural and far flange areas and survive on kerosene, wood for fire and cooking or nonconventional sources of energy as their primary sources. It is hurting to know that India loses nearly dollars 18 billion annually in power sector which is sufficient to provide 490 million free of electricity for a year through micro greed. As the world moves to cleaner energy sources and water becomes increasingly valuable commodity in many regions, it will influence the choice of energy options. Electricity production accounts for more than 50% global warming emission with the majority generated by coal fired power plants in the world. Natural gas power plants produce more than 10% total emission in the world. In contrast to this most renewable energy and nonconventional sources produce very little global warming effects. In these article efforts has been made to project the overall scenario of non conventional sources of energy and their utility in remote areas where conventional energy cannot reach. The energy produced by small hydro, solar and wind etc can find its place to cater to the needs of people living in rural areas. The article also refers the research and innovative measures required to be under taken to supply power to the masses in rural areas and it also highlights the challenges faced to supply energy to far flanged areas.
Kamyar Mehran
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Title: Improving the life-cycle of lithium-ion battery packs to support wind renewable fluctuation

Kamyar Mehran received his PhD Degree in Newcastle University, UK in 2009. He is a Lecturer in Power Engineering at the Queen Mary University of London, UK. He has worked at the University of Warwick, Newcastle (UK) as a Research Fellow (2013-2015), University and Imperial College London (UK) (2010-2013) as a Research Associate and commercialization Manager for a spin-off company, OptoNeuro Ltd. Prior to his academic career, he collected over 8 years of industrial experience in companies like Sun Microsystems (Oracle), and National Iranian Oil Company. His current research interests include nonlinear dynamics, intelligent control/optimization of energy storage systems, high-switching power electronic converters, and home energy management systems.
Predicting and enhancing the life-cycle of lithium-ion battery packs has been the subject of studies towards the large-scale use of storage systems to store electrical energy during fluctuations and unpredictable behaviour of wind renewable. Battery pack is a group of cells which are placed in a parallel, series or matrix form to provide the required power. Life cycle prediction of a single cell is challenging due to the complexity of electrochemical reactions, thermal variability and the formation of SEI (solid electrolyte interphase) layers. Cell interconnections make the prediction more challenging as the electrical dynamics and thermal characteristics of each cell is different from the others. This work introduces random variability where the aging of a single cell propagates and reduces the life of the whole pack. The use of accurate electro-chemical modelling and wireless sensor/antenna system in real-time estimation of the critical cell parameters, i.e. state-of-the-charge (SOH), state-of-health (SoH), internal resistance, and temperature variation are investigated. The integrated system will significantly suppress the aging propagation and enhance the life-time of the pack.
Frank Ulrich Rückert
Saarland University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Title: Installation and design of a new wind tunnel for measurement of vertical axis wind Turbines (VAWT)

Frank Ulrich Rückert has studied Process Engineering and received his PhD from University of Stuttgart in the field of combustion technology. He worked for over 12 years at Robert Bosch GmbH in pre-development, advanced design and computational fluid dynamics. In 2016 he got his professorship call for Fluid Energy Machines from Saarland University of Applied Sciences, Germany. He holds over 45 patents and has written several international publications.
Over the past few years, the University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken (htw saar) has carried out intensive research into small scale wind turbines, known as vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). The well-known problem with the design of these types is that they did not start to run automatically. The VAWT must be electrically driven to start, which is due to design problems. The reason was identified by our team with numerical simulations of detachment behaviour at the blades. However, this can only be clarified by means of detailed measurement. In order to compare simulations, and investigate turbines behaviour more deeply, a new wind tunnel was constructed from scratch at htw saar. The so- called Göttinger design was chosen as type of construction, which means that air circulates inside. Dimensions of the tunnel are 12 m x 3.5 m x 2 m. Air is driven by a 7 kW rotor placed on upper side. Its nozzle diameter is about 1.6 x 1.6 meter. The VAWT can be placed in this position. Access points are positioned for temperature, pressure and velocity flow examinations. An additional heat absorber is used to control the air temperature. Two windows positioned inside the nozzle chamber can be used to visualize turbulence effects and enable the qualitative measurement of the spatial position and strength of compressible air vortices with a high-speed camera. There is currently no alternative test rig know for these kind of experiments. Thus, qualitative and quantitative behaviour of the VAWT can be examined. The investigation in the transonic wind tunnel, as well as the adjustment with simulations of the VAWT will be used for validation and further design development.
Zhang Jing Xuan
Xinjiang Goldwind Science and Technology Co Ltd, China
Title: FEA simulation of synchronous belt: performance evaluation methods of key parts in pitch system

Zhang Jing Xuan graduated from Tsinghua University in year 2005, and has 10+ years Finite Element Analysis (FEA) experience in Aviation, Automobile and Windturbine area. Focus on simulation methods study and solution of structural problems.
Synchronous belt is commonly used in the pitch system for wind turbines. It is a flexible pitch method and has a lot of advantages compared with hydraulic pitch system. Engineering methods is usually used to calculate the strength of synchronous belt, this is also the usual method in other industry. The disadvantage of this engineering method is that a lot of bearing capacity of the belt is wasted due to the large safety margin required by the methods. To fully utilize the capacity of synchronous belt, a more accuracy FEA (finite element analysis) method is developed to evaluate the strength of synchronous belt and estimate the remaining life time of belt on specific site conditions. This method could also be used in other industries with heavy and alternating loads.

Dong Wook Shin has completed his PhD from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Republic of South Korea in 2014 and Postdoctoral studies from SKKU Advanced Insititute of Nano Technology (SAINT). He is an Associate Research Fellow in College of Engierring, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, UK. He has authoured over 35 international peer reviewed journal articles, which have been cited more than 600 times (Web of Science) and has an h-index of 13 to date.
Wearable technologies are driving current research efforts to self-powered electronics for which novel high-performance materials such as graphene and low-cost fabrication processes are highly sought. We demonstrate the integration of high-quality graphene films obtained from scalable water processing approaches in emerging applications for flexible and wearable electronics. We developed a novel method for the assembly of shear exfoliated graphene in water, comprising a direct treansfer process assisted by isopropyl alcohol evaporation. We demonstrate that graphene films can be easily transferred to any target substrate such as paper, flexible polymeric sheets and fibres, glass and Si substrates. By combining graphene as electrode and polydimethlysiloxane as active layer we demonstrate for the first time a flexible and transparent triboelectric nanogeneragor for haversting energy. Our results constitute a new step towards the realization of energy harvesting devices that could be integrated with a wide range of wearable and flexible technologies and opens new possibilities for the use of triboelectric nanogenerators in many applications such as electronic skin and wearable electronics.
Kendrick Aung
Lamar University, USA
Title: Research, opportunities and challenges in low speed wind turbines

Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources in the world. Installed wind energy is 74.5 GW at the end of 2015, almost thirty-fold increase from 2000 where the installed wind energy is only 2.5 GW. However, most of these installed wind energy is produced by large scale wind turbines that requires an averaged wind speed of about 12 to 15 5 m/s. That requirement put a limit on the opportunities for using wind energy in many areas and locations around the world. As a result, research studies on the low speed wind turbines that can operate effectively at wind speed of 5 to 6 m/s have become increasingly common. In addition, non-traditional methods of deploying wind turbines, for example, using them by the roadside to generate electricity, have been studied more recently. In this presentation, current state-of-the-art research on the low speed wind turbines will be presented. Based on these researches, future opportunities and challenges facing extensive deployment of low speed wind turbines will be explored and discussed.
Kevin L. Koudela
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Title: Development and demonstration of an emergent net shape fabricated three blade composite one piece rotor for CAPEX and OPEX reductions

Dr. Koudela has led the design, fabrication and demonstration of multiple composite and hybrid composite prototypes for operational evaluation and has taught courses in composites, structural analysis and finite element analysis at the Pennsylvaniate State University. Dr. Koudela has authored or co-authored 23 refereed journals and 43 technical proceeding articles and serves as a technical reviewer for the Journal of Composite Materials, Journal of Composites Technology and Research, ASTM, and ASME. Dr. Koudela was awarded the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award and was a co-recipient of the Defence Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Achievement Award by the U.S. Office of Naval Research.
Marine hydrokinetic (MHK) turbines have shown promise as a method for harvesting energy from natural waterways. However, excessive fabrication and assembly and high life-cycle costs often preclude implementation of these energy harvesting devices. As such, our research is focused on mitigation of the implementation challenges by development and demonstration of a novel low-cost, net shape fabricated single piece composite three-blade MHK turbine rotor to minimize both Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditures (OPEX) to enable cost of energy improvements. We were able achieve these cost reductions by leveraging our successfully demonstrated rapid prototyping protocol, underpinned by our team-based concurrent engineering approach, whereby we incorporate all key technology disciplines including materials, design and analysis, manufacturing, non-destructive inspection, and test and evaluation from rotor concept formulation through delivery of the single piece composite rotor prototype. Our presentation provides a summary of the three key emergent technologies associated with our prototype development and demonstration evolution: 1) design for turbine rotor manufacturability using computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis; 2) single piece composite turbine rotor net shape fabrication; and 3) coupon and prototype threshold fatigue testing to ensure rotor structural robustness. This innovative team-based concurrent engineering approach enabled us to reduce CAPEX by eliminating complex assemblies and rotor machining while mitigating OPEX by use of non-corrosive e -glass/epoxy composite materials and implementing our state -of-the-art threshold fatigue design protocol to prevent onset of material degradation over the life of the MHK turbine rotor.

Asfaw Beyene graduated with PhD from Warsaw University of Tech, Warsaw, Poland. He is a Fellow Member of ASME and currently serves as Director of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency at San Diego State University, USA. His research integrates analytical, computational, and experimental techniques to address fundamental and practical problems of energy conversion. He has developed novel methods for wind and wave energy conversion. Over the years, he has attracted several millions of dollars in funding from NSF, DOE, US Navy, CEC, and others. He is the recipient of many research and teaching awards. He has authored significant number of refereed journal articles, conference proceedings, and technical reports.
Wind energy has emerged as a reliable technology, and as a renewable form, it has benefited from growing policy support which contributed to its sharp rise in share and market. however, the technology still faces some challenges, especially related to its intermittent and part-load operation. Off-design operation is a serious matter because system efficiency drops considerably at off-design loads, one strategy to address this challenge for wind turbine blades and obtain a more consistent efficiency over a wide load range, is varying the blade geometry. Predictable morphing of wind turbine blade in reaction to wind load conditions has been introduced recently. The concept, derived from fish locomotion, also has similarities to spoilers and ailerons, known to reduce flow separation and improve performance using passive changes in blade geometry. In this work, we employ a fully coupled technique on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and FEM (Finite Element Method) models to introduce continuous morph to desired and predetermined blade design geometry, the NACA 4412 profile, which is commonly used in wind turbine applications. Then we assess the aerodynamic behaviour of a morphing wind turbine airfoil using a two-dimensional computation. The work is focused on resolving force distribution based on trailing edge deflection, wind speed, and material elasticity, i.e., Young’s Module. The computational and wind tunnel results will be presented together with a summary of the prospects for the industry.
Dhaifallah Muways Alotaibi
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Title: A conceptual design of sustainable hospital in NEOM

Engineer Dhaifallah has been graduated from National University of Science and Technology (NUST), as a Mechanical engineer. Recently, he has been studying MSc Mechanical engineering with management at Exeter University and he has continued his research in renewable energy.
NEOM, a £370 billion Megacity in Saudi Arabia is planned to be constructed in the border between this country and Egypt [1], to host a large population. This Mega-city is going to be built to embrace new technologies and lifestyle for the young population of this country. One of the main aims of proposing this green city is to fully supply its energy from the renewable sources such as solar power [2]. Therefore, recently the 200 GW solar power plant has been signed off [3] for supplying the energy requirements for the country. But one of the main users of the electrical energy is the hospitals, for which these solar plants need to have sustainable supply of electricity. The main purpose of this research is to analyse the technical possibilities of using fully green technologies for a conceptual hospital framework. In order to achieve this framework, different disciplines including the power supply, waste disposal [5] and energy wastage are going to be evaluated for the purpose of constructing a conceptual sustainable hospital in the new city of NEOM by considering its geographical location, climate conditions, transport facilities and the demand analyses based on the population demographic data. In this study, a combination of three renewable energy sources; solar, biomass, and wind turbine energy are evaluated by using the HOMER PRO software [6], to fully supply the required power of this modern city.
- Green Energy | Energy Model | Waste to Energy| Renewable Energy | Bio-Fuel | Sustainable Energy | Energy Policies
Session Introduction
Samuel Hassid
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Title: Plenary Talk on Energy towers : renewable energy strategy for hot dry climates

Samuel Hassid is in the Environmental, Water Resources and Agricultural Engineering Unit, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. teaches and works on Climatology of Buildings. He is author and co-author of 45 scientific papers in Scientific Journals and 6 chapters of books. He is a member of scientific committee on Energy in Buildings in the Israel Standards Institution.
Energy (or Desert) towers are a renewable energy producing device suitable for hot and dry climates. They are based on spraying sea water from the top of a tower 500 m high. The sprayed droplets evaporate and thus cool the surrounding air creating a downdraft which moves electricity-generating turbines located at the basis of the tower. The air is subsequently delivered through a diffuser to the surrounding environment where the salt containing water precipitate to the ground. The Energy tower generates electricity without producing greenhouse gasses. It has been estimated that approximately 1/3rd of the gross power delivered by the turbines is necessary for pumping the sea water to the tower site and up the tower, whereas another 2/9th is lost to aerodynamic friction, leaving 4/9th as net power. The electricity is generated 24 hours a day (although at a much smaller power during the night) CFD calculations indicate that an energy tower with a 200 m diameter and a 600 m height may deliver a 250 MWe net electrical power and 250 GWh a year. In addition a by-product is desalinated water that can be derived from the cold humid air. The estimated cost of the generated electricity is estimated to 2-3 cents/kWh – which makes it competitive and clean, without green-house gasses. The major environmental effect is the precipitation of salt. Energy towers are suited for latitudes between 20 and 30° which are usually hot and dry.
Michael Burt
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Title: Plenary Talk on Marine floating wind and renewable energy complex: a novel technological paradigm

Michael Burt, BA. Architecture & Amp; T.P. – 1963; D.Sc. -1967. Teaching and research at the Technion, 1963- 2006. 8 years Dean of the Architecture. & Amp; T.P. Faculty. Research: Structural Morphology; Marine Development. Books (Technion Publications) ‘Spatial Arrangements and Polyhedra with Curved Surfaces’…. (D.Sc. Thesis) -1966. ‘Infinite Polyhedra’ - 1974; 2005 ‘The Periodic Table of the Polyhedral Universe’ – 1996. ‘The Israeli Marine Option’….-2012 Dozens of Exhibitions in Israel & Amp; abroad. MUAR –Moscow – 2003 Arch. Biennale –Paris, 1969; representing Israel. AWARDS: Minerva Grant (1985). Japan Foundation Fellowship (1992). Pioneers Award, IASS, G.B. (2002). Israeli Architects Association Honorary Fellowship (2014), Synergy Collaborative Honors, USA – RISD, (2016).
The dramatic growth of energy world consumption and the evolving sustainability awareness and demand, go ‘hand in hand’ and already have considerable impact on world politics and it’s economics. Wind turbine farms strive ever higher, consume ever larger space, with more complex and costlier logistics for their delivery, erection, maintenance and ‘energy crop’ distribution. This paper reports about research and development results concerning a new design- implementation paradigm of Wind and Renewable Energy Harvesting Complex, situated in the Marine Environment on floating mega-platforms. The essence of the new approach may be summarized as follows: 1. compact (wing to wing) wind turbine arrangement on floating mega-platforms, capable of auto-rotating into the wind, with 30÷60 turbines, each. 2. the platform will support additional wave-turbine rows, solar panels, sea-current activated turbines and marine bio-energy farm. 3. the whole complex facility is produced –constructed-assembled in a coastal industrial fabrication plant and sea-transported-towed and moored in its site of function. 4. the platform, a semi –submersible mega-structure array, will be solved to support all energy storage, guide instrumentation, maintenance and energy crop handling. 5. agglomeration of 4÷6 energy generating platforms, when combined, will constitute massive marine power station. 6. the compact, multi-modal, marine renewable ‘blue energy’ power station is solved for stage-completion, rearrangement and relocation, if and when desired. In conclusion: all logistics of the power station, namely: construction, erection, transportation, mooring-anchorage, maintenance, supervision, energy harvesting and its delivery, are highly industrialized, thus raising dramatically its cost-effectiveness and economic attraction.
Zafer Aslan
Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey
Title: Role of climate change, small, meso and large scale factors on wind and solar energy potential

Zafer Aslan has completed her PhD in 1987 and Professor Degree at KU in 1994. She visited University of Washington, USA; IFAand International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy as part of her Postdoctoral studies. She has been working at the Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul Aydin University since 2005. She is the Director of IRD and General Coordinator of EUA (European University Association) IEP (Institutional Evaluiation Programme). She is Member of Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World - The World Academy of Sciences is and the Board Member of OSTIV FAI. She received Paul Tissandier Award, Geneva in 2013, and Simons Associate Award, ICTP, Italy in 2014. She is the Editor of nine international journals. She has more than 100 national/international papers and 23 papers pubhlished in SCI journals.
This paper covers definition of local, meso and large-scale factors and climate changing role on wind and solar energy potential. Hourly and daily wind speed and solar radiation data define monthly and seasonal variations of wind and solar energy potential. The main aim of the paper is to define wind and solar energy potential variations at two study areas in Istanbul, (Asian Side: Kandilli and European Side: Maslak). Wind speed, solar radiation data cover the interval of 1911-2017. The paper presents some results on descriptive statistics, Wavelet applications, Speedy Model estimates and ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) simulations. Wind data makes use of the Weibull Distribution Function as a tool to represent the frequency distribution of wind speed. Solar energy potential analyses based on Wavelet shows the role of small, meso and large-scale factors on energy potential variations. Extreme winds are associated with large-scale events with periodicities between 5-20 hrs, 5-30 hrs, 30-45 hrs or 20-60 hrs in winter. Small scale and meso scale factors is associated with lower wind speed with periodicities changing up to 35 hrs. A Speedy Model approach was applied when estimating wind – solar energy potential at the site was assessed using a historical data for every 30 year period. As a conclusion available wind speed and solar radiation by using Speedy Model and ANN simulation approach realistic estimate of energy potential. This paper is dedicated to researching the potential wind-solar energy production in Istanbul. They show the role of climate changing on energy policy.
Anthony Amoah
Central University, Ghana
Title: Environmental consciousness and choice of bulb for lighting in a developing country

Anthony Amoah obtained his PhD from the University of East Anglia, UK. He has since then been working with the Department of Economics, Central University in Ghana. His current research focuses on Environmental and Development Economics related issues. Apart from having several peer reviewed published papers to his credit, he is also a reviewer for some of these journals. Currently, he serves on some academic Editorial Boards as well as on non-academic boards in industry.
Most countries in the world especially those in Asia and Africa despite undertaking policies meant to help meet Sustainable Development Goal 7, there are still a sizable number of households who have not yet fully embraced energy saving technologies. This study provides highlights on the economic and environmental benefits for investing in energy saving light-bulbs. Using a survey and a multistage random sampling approach, we administered questionnaires to 1,650 households in Ghana. The relevant diagnostic tests associated with cross-sectional data were undertaken. We estimated a maximum-likelihood probit model with its associated marginal effects to find out how choice is influenced by environmental consciousness and other demographic factors. Our results are consistent with economic theory as well as what earlier empirical evidence found in literature. That is, environmental consciousness (both local knowledge and global knowledge), education, income etc. are very important in explaining the choice of buying energy saving light-bulbs in Ghana. Besides advocating for information that will make society more environmentally conscious, we further recommend the use of fiscal policies (i.e. subsidies) to support lower income brackets who are predominant in developing countries.
Mario Orestes Aguirre González
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Title: Performance measurement system in wind farms

Mario González - Graduated in Industrial Engineering from the National University of Engineering in Peru, specialist in Management of Technological Innovation, Open Innovation approach, master and PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos. Research topics: Product and process innovation in wind and solar power chains. He has published articles with the themes: Open innovation applied in the wind energy supply chain; Impacts for the implementation of wind farms; Technological prospecting for wind power generation; Management of projects in the construction of wind farms and Technological prospecting for photovoltaic cells. Prof. Dr. González is the current editor of Product Magazine of the Brazilian Institute for Innovation and Product Development Management and leader of the Cri-Ação (Creation) research group at UFRN.
Marllen Santos - Graduated in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and Master in Production Engineering at the same institution. She currently develops research focused on the development of the supply chain of the offshore wind energy industry in Brazil. She has published articles with the themes: Performance measurement in the prospecting stage of wind farms; Key Performance Indicators for wind farm's operation and maintenance; Environmental impacts in the installation of wind farms; Wind farm’s operation and maintenance: challenges for increasing competitiveness; and Condition monitoring systems in wind farms. She has experience in Integrated Management Systems, Project Management and Performance Management of Wind Farms. MsC. Santos is technical coordinator of the Cri-Ação Research Group.
This paper aims to identify the factors affecting the use of Performance Measurement Systems in wind farms O&M to increase reliability and productivity. A case study was conducted with 7 Brazilian companies which together own 41 wind farms in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which has the largest installed capacity in the country (32%). As a result of this research, have been identified: (1) The need of making efforts to define what indicators are important to measure. The performance indicators available in the literature are very specific, so it is necessary to analyse the main constraints that affect subsystems and equipment to define what should be measured. (2) Performance measurement based only on indicators defined in contracts. Due the terms of the Operation and Maintenance contracts the managers prioritize a specific indicator (Time Based Availability), at the expense of those who actually illustrate the farm's productivity. (3) Difficulties in monitoring the activities of contracted companies, and also obtaining and validating the results presented by them. The data provided by the contracted companies are not always sufficient and reliable, since they are linked to the possibility of incidence of contractual penalty. (4) Use of non-specific software. Software adapted from other types of industry and not suitable to the reality of wind farms encode the measurement process, rather than facilitating it, and this discourages its use by those involved. (5) Non-use of the indicators results for the decision-making processes and uncertainties about the strategies of action to be adopted when the indicators reach critical limits, generating a lack of commitment to future measurements. (6) Non-use of tools for wind turbine performance analysis. Generation losses in wind farms are generally associated with unavailability of wind turbines. However even in operation, wind turbines may be producing less energy than they should due to problems that cause power limitation. Although few companies use specific tools to make this kind of analysis feasible. In addition, performance analyses require access to raw turbine data, which are often not available from manufacturers. (7) Need to extract data from different systems and transform it into indicators. Most wind farms hire one company to operate the turbines and another to operate the electrical system. These companies use different systems that do not allow the direct exchange of data between them, leaving the responsibility for the managers to extract data from the systems and turn them into useful indicators. This makes it difficult to analyse data, especially in wind farms with a great number of wind turbines. The factors that affect the use of performance measurement systems in the operation and maintenance of wind farms are mostly managerial factors. Therefore, the development of a management culture focused on performance improvement and the training of managers in this theme can enable the successful implementation of this type of tool. The implementation of performance measurement in wind farms can enable the achievement of improvements in processes and increase operational efficiency, resulting in generation gains. With this, it is possible to increase the competitiveness of the wind power source compared to other non-renewable energy sources, contributing to the diversification of the national electricity grid.
Jens Peder Ulfkjaer
Aarhus University, Denmark
Title: Dynamic testing of high performance concrete for large wind turbine towers

Jens Peder Ulfkjær has completed his PhD from Aalborg University, Denmark and Postdoctoral studies at the Joint Research Center in Ispra Italy. He is an associate Professor at Aarhus University and is working with fracture of materials especially ultra high performance concretes. He has published more than 40 papers.
Recently there has been an increasing interest in concrete towers for wind turbines primarily due to the fact that there is a larger demand for bigger wind turbines and higher towers, resulting in larger base diameters for these towers. Production of such towers in steel is complicated and expensive and so is transportation and erection of the towers on site. Instead smaller segments of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) can be transported to the site by trucks and assembled on site. UHPFRC is characterized by high and compressive strength combined with an extreme high fracture energy makes it possible to make wind turbine towers of heights of over 200 m. The two main concerns are the eigenfrequencies of the tower and the fatigue resistance. This study is on the dynamic behavior of an 31.2 m high experimental UHPFRC post-tensioned wind turbine tower. The dynamic stiffness of the whole system and the soil-foundation-structure interaction is determined using Operational Modal Analysis (OMA). In addition a series of low-cycle fatigue experiments have been performed. Experiments on beams in three point bending have been performed in a newly developed test set-up. Both static and fatigue loading were carried out. Due to the high fatigue resistance of the material, focus has been on low cycle fatigue. In the tests, it is seen that the descending branch of the static experiments can be correlated to the fatigue life, indicating static tests can be used for quality control of the fatigue life.
Jin Wei Kocsis
University of Akron, USA
Title: An attack-resilient communication architecture for grid integration of renewable energy resources

Jin Wei Kocsis received PhD Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada, in 2014, MS Degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Hawaii, USA at Manoa in 2008 and BE Degree at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, in 2004. She is an Assistant Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Akron, USA and the Director of the Cyber-Physical-Social System Design Lab. She worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) from April to July 2014. Her research interests include the smart energy systems, cyber-physical systems security and privacy, renewable energy integration, social networks, and cognitive wired/wireless communication networks.
In recent years, the increasing penetration of Renewable Energy Systems (RESs) has made an impact on the operation of the electric power systems. In the grid integration of RESs, data acquisition systems and communications infrastructure are crucial technologies to maintain system economic efficiency and reliability. Since most of these generators are relatively small, dedicated communications investments for every generator are capital cost prohibitive. Combining real-time attack-resilient communications middleware with Internet of Things (IoTs) technologies allows for the use of existing infrastructure. In this talk, I will present our work in developing an intelligent communication middleware that utilizes the Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics to complement the conventional Quality of Service (QoS) evaluation. Furthermore, our middleware employs deep learning techniques to detect and defend against congestion attacks.
Wei Peng Sheng
National Sun Yat Sen University, Taiwan
Title: Absorption coefficient of carbon dioxide near earth surface
Wei Peng Sheng received PhD in Mechanical Engineering Department at University of California, Davis, USA in 1984. He has been a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering of National Sun Yat Sen University, Taiwan, since 1989. He has contributed to application of heat transfer in manufacturing and materials processing, and atmospheric phenomena. He has published more than 90 SCI journal papers, given keynote or invited speeches in international conferences more than 120 times. He is a Fellow of American Welding Society (AWS) in 2007 and a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineering (2000). He also received the Outstanding Research Achievement Awards from both the National Science Council (2004), and NSYSU (1991, 2001, 2004), the Outstanding Scholar Research Project Winner Award from National Science Council (2008), the Adams Memorial Membership Award from AWS (2008), the Warren F Savage Memorial Award from AWS (2012) and the William Irrgang Memorial Award from AWS (2014). He has been the Xi-Wan Chair Professor of NSYSU since 2009 and was an invited Distinguished Professor at the Beijing University of Technology, China (2015-2017).
Absorption coefficient of emission gases of carbon dioxide responsible for temperature in the troposphere layer, which is less than the altitude of 10 km in the atmosphere, is presented in this work. It has been well known that the solar irradiation within short wavelength range near the visible range can be absorbed, scattered and transmitted by the atmosphere and absorbed and reflected by the earth ground. The ground emits radiation in the ranges of long wavelengths. In the presence of carbon dioxide and other emission gases, the atmosphere acting as the glass of a greenhouse increases temperature of the atmosphere. Even though global warming strongly affects the life of the human being, the cause of global warming is still controversial. This work thus establishes a fundamental, systematical and quantitative analysis of absorption coefficient of carbon dioxide in the troposphere layer. Absorptions of carbon dioxide are considered in bands centered at 15, 10.4, 9.4, 4.3, 2.7 and 2 micro meters. The predicted absorptions agree with experimental and theoretical results in exponential wide band model.