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P. N. Darde

P. N. Darde

Jaipur National University, India

Title: Harnessing nonconventional sources to supply energy for far flange areas and challenges


Biography: P. N. Darde


Sources of energy which are used on large scale are termed as conventional sources of energy where as the energy sources which are used on small scale are called as non- conventional sources of energy. Green energy produced from non conventional sources include Small hydro power, wind power, solar energy, geothermal and energy produced from bio fuel.

Increase in land and air pollution during the conversion of energy sources of fossil fuel such as oil, coal and natural gas have their adverse effects on environment and ecology. Depleting quality of these sources raise the question of sustainability in the long run there by compelled humanity to go in search of the other alternatives. In this context, the non conventional sources of energy have attracted the global attentions and evoked interest among policy makers as a viable option for sustainable development.

Out of 120 crore population of India, 46 % of them leave in rural and far flange areas and survive on Kerosene ,wood for fire and cooking  or nonconventional sources of energy as their primary sources .

It is hurting to know that India loses nearly dollars 18 Billion (20) annually in power sector which is sufficient to provide 490 Million free of electricity for a year through micro greed.

As the world moves to cleaner energy sources and water becomes increasingly valuable commodity in many regions, it will influence the choice of energy options.

 Electricity production accounts for more than 50 % Global Warming emission with the majority generated by coal fired power plants in the world. Natural gas power plants produce more than 10 % total emission in the world. In contrast to this most renewable energy and nonconventional sources produce very little global warming effects.

In these article efforts has been made to project the overall scenario of non conventional sources of energy and their utility in remote areas where conventional energy cannot reach. The energy produced by small hydro, solar and wind etc can find its place to cater to the needs of people living in rural areas .The

Article also refers the research and innovative measures required to be under taken  to supply  power to the masses in rural areas and  it also high lights the challenges faced to supply energy to far flanged areas.