Deependra Singh
Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, India
Title: Outlook of Grid-Integrated Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Biography: Deependra Singh
The growing trends in wind energy technology are motivating the researchers to work in this area with the aim towards the optimization of the energy extraction from the wind and the injection of the quality power into the grid. Efficient utilization of the wind energy has been an important issue. As a result, VSWT systems with the power electronics interfaces have increasingly drawn the interest of WT manufacturers. It is possible to increase the controllability of the WTs with the use of power electronics, which is a major concern for their integration into the power grid. This topic covers a concise overview of the grid-integrated WECSs. It covers the trends in converter topologies, control methodologies, and methods for maximum energy extraction in PMSG based WECSs, which have been reported in various research literatures primarily in reputed research journals and transactions during last few years. The back-to-back converter topology, which nowadays is state-of-the-art among power converter topologies used in WECSs, can be used as a reference so as to set a benchmark to the implementation of other converter topologies keeping in view the requirement of active switches and auxiliary components along with their ratings, the harmonic performance and the converter efficiency. As the power capacity of WTs is increasing, a trend towards the use of multilevel converter topologies in WECSs can be observed. While comparing the MSC and GSC control strategies, it can be concluded that the FOC and VOC control strategies are better as adapted; whereas, the DTC and DPC control strategies might be preferred so as to achieve high dynamic performance. It presents an overview to the grid interconnection issues related to output power smoothing and reactive power control in addition to fault-ride-through (FRT) and grid support capabilities of PMSG based WECSs. Moreover, looking at a glance towards the technology trends and status of research, it can be visualized that the two-level back-to-back converter and the diode rectifier based topologies; FOC and VOC methodologies; ORB and HCS based MPPT algorithms being the most researched concepts for PMSG based VSWTs. It is also recognized that the FRT capability of PMSG based WECSs being the most investigated grid-interconnection issue. After all, this topic is expected to be useful for not only the researchers working in the area of grid-integrated PMSG based WECSs but also the commercial manufactures and designers of the same.